What Type Of Shrink Tunnel Machine Is Right For You?

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To answer the above question appropriately, you need to answer a few questions yourself. Here are some items to look for when trying to figure out which type of compression tunnel is best suited for your products and packaging line.

Are my products heats sensitive? If you answered yes, you would like to consider getting a convection compression tunnel. This will give you more control over the supply of hot or cold air.

Do I need high quality graphics and branding skills for my products? If you answered yes, then you should buy a self-contained steam tunnel as it gives the best results when the graphics and registration are of the highest quality.

What is my budget? Depending on your financial limitations, you may want to stay in a convection tunnel as steam tunnels require additional utilities and in some cases highly trained specialized operators.

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Answering these simple questions will help you make the best choice when purchasing a compact tunnel for your packaging line.

If you are still not sure what type of compression tunnel is right for you or if someone else would like to do these comparison tasks, consider approaching one of our packaging experts.

They can send you an in-depth comparison of many different models and models with a recommendation on the right machine Broad, Make and model for your specific applications.

Your packaging expert or Shrink Tunnel Machine Manufacturers will be able to help you choose the right compression tunnel for your packaging line and select the best vendor for your needs. Although we do not end up being the vendor you ultimately choose to do business with, we can help you with this process.

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